Saturday 28 April 2012

Winter Tree Series

'Alone with myself the trees bend to caress me, the shade hugs my heart' (Candy Polgar)

I always feel at my happiest and at peace when engrossed in the midst of nature. If only we could think like nature, to destruct only to create something more beautiful. However we humans destroy, obliterate and cause devastation to anyone or anything that stands in our way.  If you're the target of  any form of obliteration why not think as in nature and emerge from the destruction to be something better in terms of beauty as in spirit and human qualities. If all humans inhibited those qualities that make us decent humans, to nourish, protect, look after each other just like nature looks after its own. Then we will continue to flourish and grow just like trees and stand tall and proud in all we have strived to achieve.

'I willingly confess to so great a partiality for trees as tempts me to respect a man in exact proportion  to his respect for them' (James Russell Lowell)

Trees are very interesting to photograph due to their remarkable form and structure. No two trees are alike forming their own unique properties and qualities just like humans. In this series of work I have tried to capture the intricacies and natural artform. Below are some of the examples from the winter trees series of work that I have created during this period and each piece evokes a different emotion and response from me.  Over the next week I'm planning to create a video art/slideshow of these work's with music, to compliment and to be viewed alongside the still series.

Winter Trees (i)

Winter Trees (iii)

Winter Trees (v)

Winter Trees (vi)

Winter Trees (x)

Winter Trees (xi)

Winter Trees (xii)

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